Mrs. Sainz's Art Studio
Welcome to Art!!!
This is going to be an AMAZING year and I am so EXCITED to be able to share it with you once again!! This will be my 15th year of teaching art, all of which have been in VISD with all but my first two as a Titan. I love what I do because I get to do what I love and that is to create art while getting to teach and inspire others to create as well. I have three children (16, 8, and 5) and a loving husband at home. I love spending time with my family whether it is outside caring for our many animals, in the garden/greenhouse, or inside all snuggled together on the couch watching a good movie. My family is my life and I cherish every moment I have with them.
Some of my other hats that I wear in addition to being a Mother, a Wife, and an Art Teacher are:
Fine Arts Teacher
CTE Teacher
Mentor to First Year Teachers
Digital Art Club Sponsor
UIL Film/Animation Sponsor
VISD Visual Arts Facilitator
Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) Region 3 Representative
Donor'sChoose Teacher Advocate for Victoria East High School
As you can imagine, I am a very busy person. But no matter what, I am always happy to help. If you have a question, art related or otherwise, please reach out to me via email and I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. If I don't know the answer then I would be happy to help you find it.
Important Information for Students Below:
Extended Absences
If you are absent for an extended amount of time please reach out to the front office (788-2820) so that you can get work for all your classes at the same time. If you have any specific questions about your assignment, feel free to reach out to me directly via email and I will be happy to answer any questions.
Monday's from 6:30am - 7:25am
If you need additional assistance with an assignment, access to supplies or technology outside of class time, please utilize my Tutorials. I would be happy to help.
Studio Hours (access to Technology)
Tuesday's from 6:30am - 7:25am
If you need access to supplies or technology outside of class time, please utilize my Studio Hours. I would be happy to help.
My Schedule
1st Period - Digital Art & Animation and AP Art 3D Design Portfolo
2nd Period - Digital Art & Animation
3rd Period - Digital Art & Media I
4th Period - Digital Art & Animation
5th Period - Digital Art & Animation
6th Period - Honors Art I and AP Art 2D Deisgn, 3D Design, & Drawing Portfolios
7th Period - Digital Art & Animation
8th Period - Conference Period
Art Competitions
These are just a few of the various art competitions available to students as the year progresses.
San Antonio Western Art Competition
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo School Art Competition
VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Event)
Click here for a VASE brochure with more information.

Contact Info
Campus: 361-788-2820
Extension: 38101
Conference Period: 8th
Other Fine Arts Webpages
Help Support the Arts
Donor'sChoose - Click here to see what ways that you too could help support Mrs. Sainz's classroom. Every little bit helps.