Orchestra Handbook
Welcome and hello to all students and parents involved in the Victoria East High School Orchestra Program. The Victoria East Orchestra (VEO) is a tight-knit family and is dependent upon the participation of its students and their parents. Your time and participation will help build a strong, quality program we all can be proud of.
This handbook will serve as an outline to answer questions as well as provide a few guidelines. It is important that students and parents read through this handbook COMPLETELY and sign and return the required forms at the back. This will indicate your notification and acceptance of the policies of our high school orchestra. Please retain the remainder of the handbook at home so that you may refer to it when necessary.
We look forward to a great and successful with you!
Justin Balli
Head Orchestra Director, West HS / East HS
Karen Orser
Assistant Orchestra Director, Stroman MS / Howell MS
Justin Balli
Head Orchestra Director
Time | 7:00 – 7:45 | 7:45 – 8:40 | 8:45 – 9:30 | 9:40 – 10:35 | 10:35 – 11:05 | 11:10 – 12:05 | 12:10 – 1:05 | MW: 1:36 – 2:29 | MW: 2:29 – 3:00 | MW: 3:00 – 3:45 |
Location | West HS – Morning practice | West HS – Camerata | West HS – Sinfonia | East HS – Conference | East HS – Lunch | East HS – Philharmonic | East HS – Camerata | Cade MS – Advanced | Cade MS – First-Year | West HS – Afternoon practice |
TR: 1:45 – 2:34 | TR: 2:34 – 2:45 | TR: 3:00 – 3:45 | ||||||||
Howell MS - Advanced | Travel to East HS | East HS – Afternoon |
Karen Orser
Assistant Orchestra Director
Time | ||||||||||
Location | Stroman MS – Morning practice | Stroman MS | Stroman MS | Conference | Lunch | East HS – Philharmonic | East HS – Camerata | Howell MS | Howell MS | Howell MS – Afternoon practice |
Class Descriptions and Supplies
Philharmonic Orchestra
The Philharmonic Orchestra is an AUDITIONING group. This means that for a student to be in this orchestra, he/she must audition. Please be aware than an audition does not guarantee automatic admission. The student must be able to perform the audition material at a high quality with proper technique and tone. The students in this orchestra are required to audition for the Region XIV Orchestra, participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble, UIL Concert and Sight Reading, perform four concerts a year and participate in any other event related to the orchestra.
Camerata Orchestra
The Camerata Orchestra is not an auditioning group, but students must have at least one year of playing experience in an orchestra class to join. Students in this orchestra have the option to audition for the Region XIV Orchestra and Solo and Ensemble. All students passing must participate in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading, perform four concerts a year and participate in any other event related to the orchestra. If a student chooses to audition for the Region XIV Orchestra or participate in Solo and Ensemble, he/she MUST attend before or after school rehearsals and demonstrate commitment to individual practice
Correct size instrument in good working condition. No colored instruments.
Pencil EVERY day in class
Cleaning cloth kept in your case. (A piece of an old t-shirt works great!)
Shoulder rest (for Violins and Violas)
Rock stop/straps (for Cellos and Basses)
Orchestra activity fee $20 (orchestra t-shirt and misc. supplies)
You may purchase or rent an instrument as well as supplies at any reputable music vendor. Consult your teacher if you are not sure:
Collins Music Store
3112 N Navarro St
Victoria, TX 77901
(361) 582-0357
Tee’s House of Music
906 E Red River St
Victoria, TX 77901
(361) 575-0204
Terra Nova Violins
7795 Burnet Rd,
Austin, TX 78757
(512) 640-4072
SHAR Music (online)
(800) 248-7427
Terra Nova Violins
6983 Blanco Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78216
(210) 349-4700
Katy Violin Shop
5131 S Fry Rd #500
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 769-1778
Rules and Consequences
General Classroom Rules
No gum, candy, food or drinks allowed in the classroom.
Respect all students, teachers and property. Derogatory and negative comments will not be tolerated.
Be in your seat with all materials (instrument, music, and pencil) by the time the tardy bell rings.
Electronic devices will not be allowed in class unless permitted by teacher for assignment. If a student is caught with an electronic device, it will be confiscated. Headphones/ear buds put away before class.
Stay in your seat during class and refrain from distracting others.
Be attentive and ready to work with musically focused participation. (If the student is too ill to participate in orchestra activities, he or she should study and follow with the group.)
Long fingernails are NOT permitted. Proper finger placement is only possible with trimmed nails. Students will be asked to trim nails with provided clipper if nails are too long.
Rehearsal Rules
Place belongings in designated areas and retrieve all materials needed for class (instrument, music, pencil, etc.)
Tune BEFORE rehearsal starts. Ask section leader or teacher for help.
Students will stop warming up/playing/tuning when concert master stands up. Concert master will lead open string tuning and start warmups.
Students are to remain active and attentive throughout the rehearsal. If the teacher is working with another section you are expected to shadow bow/study your own music.
Verbal warning
Conference after class/Phone call to parent
Severe disruptions will result in the student being sent immediately to the office
Tardies, Passes, and Grades
Tardy Policy
Class starts when the bell rings. Classroom doors will be locked.
Students must get a tardy slip to enter classroom.
If a student is not ready when the concert master stands it will count as a tardy. Student will be sent to retrieve a tardy slip.
Tardy procedures will be conducted according to school wide policy.
Students must present ID Badge with sticker for restroom use.
An email, phone call or signed hall pass must be presented in order to go to another class/counselor/ap etc.
Students must present FINE ARTS HALLWAY PASS to hall monitor for morning/afternoon access.
Students will not be permitted to leave during the first and last 10 minutes of class
Daily grade – 40%
Playing assignments - Bringing all materials to class every day
Sectionals - Correct position and posture
Written assignments
Unannounced materials check
Tests – 30%
Chair Tests - Written Tests
Playing Tests
Performance – 30%
Contests and Competitions
Playing tests: There will be a playing test every week starting on the 2nd week of school. Playing tests will usually be a brief 2-4 measures and will be taken during class time. Students will play their tests in front of their fellow students.
Playing tests may be made up any time before the 9 weeks is over. A student will have unlimited amount of tries to try and get the grade they want. Make-ups will not occur during class and will have to be scheduled either before or after school.
Chair tests: There will be one chair test at the beginning of every 9 weeks. Chair tests will usually consist of an 8-12 measure excerpt. Students will play their chair tests in front of fellow students. Chair tests may not be made up. If a student has an excused absence results won’t be posted until that student is able to perform the test.
Concert Policy
Orchestra is a performing class. Class time is used for rehearsal for these performances and it is of utmost importance that the orchestra performs with the same number of musicians as it rehearses with. You will be given plenty of notice for scheduled concerts. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for arriving at the concert site at the correct time.
Excused Absence
You will be excused for personal illness and family emergencies.
A written/emailed notice from a parent/guardian OR a doctor’s excuse is required within 3 school days.
Conflicts with another school activity must be worked out between the two teachers at least one week prior to the concert.
Notice of prior commitments should be given to teacher at least one week prior to concert.
Student will perform concert material for teacher as an alternate assignment for full credit.
Unexcused Absence
“I did not have a ride” will result in an unexcused absence.
“I did not take off for work” will result in an unexcused absence.
If student fails to provide a notice within 3 school days, the student will receive an unexcused absence.
Student will perform concert material for teacher and/or class as an alternate assignment for up to 70 percent of the grade.
Concert Attire
Concert Attire and Uniforms
It is important for our orchestras to look professional while on stage. There will be two attire options throughout the year for our concerts. Students are expected to follow the attire/uniform guidelines as listed below. No variations will be allowed. Jeans, t-shirts and tennis shoes are NEVER allowed on stage. A student may be asked to sit the concert out if not properly dressed.
All Black
Students must follow the guidelines below in order to fulfill this attire choice and all articles of clothing must be all black.
Long-sleeve button down shirt (tucked in)
Dress slacks
Dress socks and dress shoes
Dress shirt/blouse w/ dress slacks or skirt
Long dress
Short dress (below the knee) w/ leggings
Dress shoes
Formal Attire
Orchestra tuxedos and dresses to be provided by your school. Please be aware we will try our best to provide the student with the best size match based on availability:
White tuxedo shirt
Black bow tie
Black tuxedo coat
Black tuxedo pants
Black socks
Black dress shoes
Black dress
Black dress shoes
Black stockings
The attire for our events this year will be the following:
October Concert: All Black
Region Auditions: Casual
December Concert: Formal Attire
Region Concert: Formal Attire
Pre-UIL Concert/UIL: Formal Attire
Solo & Ensemble: All Black
May Concert: All Black
Instrument Policy
Care of your instrument
Keep your hands washed and cleaned before handling.
Wipe your instrument down with your cloth after every use.
Be careful self-tuning your instrument. Do not use pegs unless taught how to use them.
Never allow others to play your instrument.
Never attempt to repair your instrument by yourself.
Care of your bow
Do not touch the hair of the bow.
Tighten the bow before use. Loosen the bow after use.
Wipe the stick of the bow to avoid rosin build-up.
District Owned Instruments
The district owns a limited number of violin, violas, cellos and basses for student rental. There is an annual VISD instrument fee of $100 for high school. This money is used to help cover repair expenses caused by normal wear and tear. It is not designed to cover cost from damage or loss of the instrument due to theft/misplacement or neglect. This type of repair is the responsibility of the student who is using the instrument.
Please ask your director for the Instrument Loan Agreement Form if you are needing to use a district instrument.
If a district owned instrument is damaged beyond repair, the student is responsible for replacing it and will not receive another instrument from the district until it is replaced.
It is recommended that you purchase or rent your own instrument from one of the music stores listed above. Having your own instrument, either renting or owning guarantees that you will not have to share a district owned instrument with another member of the orchestra
When possible, we try to provide a school instrument. It is recommended that you rent or buy your own so that you may practice at home.
Activities and Events
To participate in any extra-curricular activity, students must pass all classes the grading period prior to the event. If a student earns a grade lower than a 70 in any class, state law prohibits participation in any extra-curricular event.
Extra-curricular events:
(Eligibility rules apply)
Region auditions
Region concert
UIL Solo and Ensemble contest
UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest
Field trips
Curricular events:
(Eligibility does not apply)
Extra rehearsals (before or after school)
Social events
The orchestra does multiple fundraisers a year.
Money raised by students from these two events goes towards the orchestra’s sundry account which pays for social events, supplies, music, instruments etc.
In addition, fundraising through our Booster Club goes towards trip payments and banquet.
Letterman Qualifications
In order to receive an Orchestra Letterman, a student must complete the following requirements:
Enroll in orchestra in high school for at least 3 semesters.
Maintain an A average in orchestra class for those 3 semesters.
Have achieved total 20 points for extracurricular orchestra activities.
2 points for Region Orchestra audition
5 points for Region Orchestra participation
2 points for All-State Orchestra audition
6 points for All-State Orchestra participation
1 point for Solo & Ensemble participation
1 point for 1st division on a class 3 solo or ensemble
2 points for 1st division on a class 2 solo or ensemble
3 points for 1st division on a class 1 solo or ensemble
2 points for State Solo & Ensemble participation
4 points for 1st division on state solo or ensemble
2 points for participating in orchestra fundraisers; 4 points max per year
1 point for participating regularly in outside school performing ensembles (community orchestra, district musicals, summer music camps, etc.) 4 points max per year
1 point for being a section leader/principle. 4 points max per year
1 point for attending concerts (Victoria symphony, crossroads strings, or high school.
Bring back the concert program.) 4 points max per year
1 point for participating in set-up crew for concerts and other orchestra events; 2 points per year
Remind - Messages and Announcements
It is beneficial for both parents and students to sign up for our REMIND classes because of the many concerts, rehearsals and contests that involve this class. REMIND allows the director to send text and email messages directly to those signed up for quick and convenient reminders for events.
Please sign up for either Text or Email or both. To sign up for a remind class follow these instructions:
Philharmonic Orchestra
Text message:
Enter this number: 81010
Text this message: @veoporch
Enter this address:
Send (no subject required)
OR use this Link:
Camerata Orchestra
Text message:
Enter this number: 81010
Text this message: @veocorch
Enter this address:
Send (no subject required)
OR use this Link: