Ashley Rambo English I and AP English 3: Language and Composition
Welcome to AP ENGLISH 3!
To the left, you can see my schedule of classes, the time periods in bold are when I do not have students and can be the most available. If there are any questions or concerns, the most effective way to get a hold of me would be email. I check my email regularly and will response quickly as well. ( Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Of course, as an English teacher, I'm an avid reader and writer. I can talk for hours about a book, and I will, so make sure to stop me so we don't go down that rabbit hole. I dabble in many different hobbies, like painting, drawing, comic books(reading and writing)and--yes, even video games. I also play ultimate frisbee on a very regular basis, and soccer of course! Considering I am the JV Girls Soccer Coach.
I am married to West's own math and CTE department Instructional Coach, Mr. Matthews and we have a beautiful little boy who takes after his silly father.

This is my eighth year at West and I'm proud to be a Warrior, and continue on my seventh year as the girls JV soccer coach and my first year as Assistant Tennis Coach!
I graduated from UT Austin with a degree in English(Hook 'em Horns!).
Se hablo Espanol si es necessario.

7:30-8:15: 1st AP
8:20-9:05: 2nd AP LANG
9:10-10:00: 3rd AP LANG
10:05-10:30: LUNCH
10:35-11:25: 4th AP LANG
11:30-12:20: 5th AP LANG
12:25-1:10 6th Conference
1:00-1:55: 7th Athletics
2:00-2:45: 8th Athletics
Tutoring available after school Thursdays until 3:30 until November 16th and as needed afterwards.
Anyone with questions or concerns can reach me most effectively by email.