CS-10993_Digital Flyer_HHM 2020_SDL
Attached is a scholarship opportunity I am forwarding from Ms. Whitehead.
Due date is October 31, 2020.
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. This is going to be a learning experience for all of us. While we did transition rapidly in the spring to virtual teaching be aware the structure is much different for the fall semester. By spring break we are wrapping up and all that is left is the last unit tests, test preparation, and of course testing.
This is the fall semester and this is a true on-line class. Attendance will be taken each class period and the 90% rule of attending classes is mandatory to earn credit. During the first week we will be weaving some math content into our on-line synchronous time while we are learning the tools and rules of the online classroom. The second week of class will be briefly reviewing online tools with the main focus being on content. The third week will be focusing mainly on content.
I look forward to learning with you as well as teaching you during this school year.