Mr. Simmons CTE
Business Law
Business Law (BL-I)
Fall, 2017
Mr. Simmons
Room West A144
(361)788-2830 ext.39144
Welcome to BL-I ! I am pleased you have chosen this course. You will learn valuable skills that can be used during your school years and/or on the job
Course Description
BL-I will enhance students study of the legal system by gaining an understanding of how the judicial system works and the responsibility organizations have towards all aspects of society.
Students will analyze the social responsibility of business and industry
Learn business ethics
The Law of criminal torts
Business contracts
Negotiable financial instruments
Laws pertaining to personal property, sales, warranties
Business organizations concept of agency, employment, and real property laws
Students will learn a broad base of knowledge that includes the court system and how it works
Students will learn case studies both criminal & civil aspects
Typical Day in BL-I
Arrive in the classroom before the tardy bell and be in your seat. If you are wandering the room you will be sent out for a tardy slip before you can return to the classroom.
Check the “whiteboard” for a “warm-up” daily and the day’s assignment. Refer to the objective to understand the meaning of the assignment. The teacher will take attendance during this time.
After taking attendance, the teacher will deliver the lesson/instruction for the class. Students will practice the task and complete the assignment while the teacher monitors and assists students as needed.
The teacher will advise students when to stop working and log off their computer. Each student is responsible for keeping their area clean and must return any handouts to the appropriate folder.
The teacher will make available all assignments and it will be the student’s responsibility to make up any work they have missed before each grading period.
Grading Guidelines
Tests/Special Projects 40%
Daily Class Work 60%
Mr. Simmons, holds an MBA, and is Advanced Technical Certified for the following college level courses:
Business Information Management I - BUSIM1
Principles of Information Technology - PRINIT
Business Management - BUSMGT
Business Information Management II - BUSIM2
Business Law - BUSLAW
Entrepreneurship – ENTREP
Touch System Data Entry - TSDE
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
361 788-2830
Ex: 39144(VWHS)
Conference Period: 6th Period
Important Note
BL-I is a college level course therefore, you will be eligible to receive 3 credit hrs. on your college transcript provided you maintain an 80 average throughout the school year.