Pauline Traugott

Pauline Traugott

(361) 578-1561

Pauline Traugott

Reading is dreaming with eyes wide open

Welcome to 7th grade Reading

Thank you for taking the time to visit our class website. Please visit often to get the latest news and information on what is happening in our class. If you have any questions about our program, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am looking forward to working with you and your student this year!  Be sure to check the class link for any posted assignments.

All About Me

While I was not born in Victoria, my roots are strong here.  I graduated from St. Joseph High School here in Victoria and attended Texas A&M University in College Station. Upon graduation, I delved into the corporate world and lived in Houston for about 6 years. While raising two rowdy boys, Charlie and Jack, I was able to be at home with them and work part-time with the Adult Education program with Victoria College and also the Homebound students of VISD. 

Both my boys made their way to Howell, and that’s what brought me here. I have worked as an ISS instructor, Student Success Facilitator, Computer Literacy teacher, and Reading / Writing teacher.  I have run the gamut!

I am happy to say, this year I get to focus on Reading!

Pauline Traugott and family

The Family


Jack is my youngest and is #34 for the East High School Titan Football Team!


Charlie is a Sophmore at Texas A&M University in College Station. He is in the Corps of Cadets.


Todd and I have been married for 24 years.